Vanda insignis (2031/2064) + THREE MORE PLANTS
Vanda insignis (2031/2064) + THREE MORE PLANTS
Vanda insignis +
For a very limited time: Three MORE PLANTS FREE
For every mature Vanda insignis purchased receive two of its progeny:
Vanda Motes Multiverse (in bloom or recently bloomed)
Pda. Motes Spitfire (mature)
plus one more mature plant
Native to Timor and adjacent islands. One of the showiest species in the genus.
The large bright magenta lip is its most prominent feature and has made the species important as a parent.
For many years this compact, free flowering species has been very rare in cultivation.
This second generation Vanda insignis (f2) is the result of mating Vanda insignis “Mary Motes” AM/AOS, the finest form of the species ever exhibited to another truly exceptional vanda insignis.
We reckon the plants now flowering out represent a new standard of excellence for the species.
Extremely limited.
One of these recently received an AM!